Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today...Find Her.

Where is that girl that lived in your mind quite often, you wanted to be more like her.. she was ponytails to your barrettes.. an a-minus to your b-plus.. when you threw like a girl.. she threw harder.. she went by your name.. and followed you everywhere.....
Find her.
She had no fear of taking chances.. perhaps neither do you
she challenged you... sometimes you took her up on it...
when she couldn't stand still...
neither could you...
she wouldn't let you go the motions...
she reminded you...
never settle!!!
when she got older
and smarter
so did you...
she gave you fair warning...
she could achieve more than you if you let her...
she said your doors would open...
only if you gave them a serious push...
Where has she gone...
the one inside who pushed you
is she gone forever..a memory forgotten
or is she right here
right now!
looking right through your eyes
asking once again...
if you have what it takes!
Find Her.

"United States Marine Corps Recruitement Pamphlet" 1998

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